
As a prerequisite, you must have Docker 18.09+ installed for running the tools, and Python 3.6+ and pip Python package manager to install the cincan command.

Note: Docker below version 18.09 has not been tested, so there might be hope that it works.

Install Docker (>=18.09)

If you are running Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 10, you can install Docker from the package repositories:

sudo apt-get

One-liner for installing the Docker for almost any system, if you don’t have Debian:

curl -fsSL | sh

Add yourself to the docker group to communicate with the local installation of Docker:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

Optionally, you can then test your installation running the Docker hello-world container:

docker run hello-world

If you are encountering some problems, see the official documentation for installing Docker.

Install Python (>=3.6)

Newer distributions should have Python 3.6 or newer installed. If you are running something older (like Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial), we suggest using pyenv to manage newer versions of Python. Ubuntu 16.04 defaults to version 3.5 which is not enough.

In Debian, Python3 and pip can be installed in most cases as:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip

On other platforms, consult your system’s documentation to install Python.

Install cincan-command

Global installation

The cincan command can be installed globally using pip for Python 3:

sudo pip3 install cincan-command

If you invoke the pip installation with sudo and without --user flag (if you are OK with that), the cincan command should be added to your path automatically and installed system-wide.

User installation

If you don’t want to install packages globally, you can install the package for the current user:

pip3 install --user cincan-command

This will install the package for the current user. However, it is possible that these packages are not in path. You can add user-specific binaries into path for the current session with:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin

To add it permanently, append it into ~/.bashrc file with your favorite text editor. Note that this can depend on what kind of shell you are using.


You can alternatively use virtualenv not to touch your system Python environment:

sudo apt-get install virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 --system-site-packages cincan-env
source cincan-env/bin/activate
pip3 install cincan-command

On later Python versions, venv module should be automatically included and is easier to use:

python3 -m venv cincan-env
source cincan-env/bin/activate
pip3 install cincan-command

Ready to Rock

Once we have successfully installed all the required packages, we can start the usage!

cincan list

Should give a list for all stable tools dockerized in the CinCan project.

Note: Make sure Docker is running when you use the cincan command.

See more examples in the Commands section.